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Open Day Gardens to Visit:
River Rats En Plein Air Painters at
Pretty Bird Farm in Stockton, New Jersey
Saturday, 17 July 2021
Today there are four nearby gardens for the garden conservancy's Open Days program. Two, here in Hunterdon County, New Jersey, and two across the Delaware River in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. If the weather were not so hot and humid I might try for all of them. But with age comes wisdon (or so they say) and two will be sufficient for me to see and enjoy.
My first stop this morning is at Pretty Bird Farm. They have added some embellishments to the garden itself. As well as some of their plants and herbs for sale, baked goods from the Sweet Hearth to buy. There's live music creating a melodic background, and a pleasant woman happy to discuss monarch butterflies and bluebirds.
Plus The River Rats, an en plein air group of artists, will be painting live in the garden in the morning. En plein air is a French phrase meaning "in the open air" and describes the process of painting a landscape outdoors. What better than a flower filled garden.
These two women have found a place amidst the sunflowers.
One has raised a sunshade to protect . . . perhaps herself. Or her art.
Sunshades seem to be a prudent and popular option today.
Of course the other possibility is the shade under a large tree.
Or even a more modest one. Shade from tree, umbrella, or
a hat - it's all good when the summer sun is shining brightly.
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